Utenos Trikotažas launches production of clothing that protects from biting insects

As the summer season is approaching, SBA Group company Utenos Trikotažas has launched production of clothing that protects against biting insects. Just like a regular repellent, the clothing fabric treated with special technology repels ticks, mosquitoes, midges, flies and other insects thus protecting against unpleasant and sometimes dangerous bites.
“Textile technologies providing additional performance characteristics for clothing are gaining popularity worldwide. Each year, the Technology and Innovation Department of Utenos Trikotažas offers new textile finishes that enrich the products with smart features, for example, ultrafast evaporation, thermal adaptation or antimicrobial characteristics. Since these finishes often contain a large number of different chemicals, customers have been looking for sustainable alternatives. The new finishing technology that offers protection from insects is one such solution”
Jolanta Streižienė, Head of Sales Department at Utenos Trikotažas
Unlike most conventional repellents, this technology has been developed without using any toxic substances, is odorless, and suitable for pregnant or breastfeeding women and their babies. The active substance adapted in this technology is recommended by the World Health Organization as environmentally friendly and safe for human health.
The functional clothing finish with insect repellent properties drives insects about 40-50 cm away and acts as a shield from various pests, but does not kill them. Therefore the insects do not develop resistance to the technology. The special fabric finishing remains effective for up to 100 washes and is biodegradable without any adverse environmental effects.
Utenos Trikotažas has already introduced the innovation to its export clients. According to Streižienė, designers of children’s clothing show greatest interest in the product. “Our clients note that parents are most interested in such technology for their children’s clothing. Children usually dislike using usual protective measures, like creams or sprays, so smart clothing is a very convenient alternative in such cases,” Streižienė added.